Trovata and J.P. Morgan Asset Management partner to help joint customers tap into Morgan Money’s services
By Edlyn Cardoza
Trovata, one of the leading bank-connected platforms that makes it easier for finance and treasury professionals to manage cash, and J.P. Morgan Asset Management, a global leader in investment management with $2.3 trillion of assets under management, announced they are partnering to help joint customers tap into Morgan Money’s services to access higher yields on corporate investing amidst rising interest rates.
Trovata will host the Morgan Money corporate investing and trading solution as the first third-party app on its platform. Joint customers can determine their liquidity needs using Trovata, then take action to invest seamlessly using the services offered by Morgan Money. Users can transact across their global portfolio in real time and compare funds across multiple managers, currencies, durations, or settlement options.
In addition, investment balances and transactions from Morgan Money will flow into Trovata in real-time so that operating and investing activities can be monitored and managed in one place, delivering a unified experience for managing operating cash flows and investments.
“Now more than ever, corporate treasury investors need a fully integrated trading solution for their liquidity needs,” said Paul Przybylski, Head of Product Strategy and Morgan Money at J.P. Morgan Asset Management. “Bringing two of the newest and fastest growing experiences in corporate finance and treasury together makes for a powerful combination for our customers.”
Trovata’s customers, like Square, Etsy, and Krispy Kreme, use its platform as a single source of truth for balances, transactions, and cash flow trends from all their banks and accounts. Trovata helps its users organise bank transactions into their various cash flow types. These data ‘tags’ make it easy for customers to build powerful cash forecasting models essential for determining liquidity thresholds sufficient for keeping enough cash on hand to pay the bills. Armed with this intelligence, finance and treasury professionals can now take action by investing any excess cash using Morgan Money. With the rapid rise in interest rates, businesses could potentially generate as much as 3-4% of low-risk interest income or “yield” on their idle cash from operations.
“Finance and treasury clients are seeking to automate and streamline how their work gets done each day,” said Brett Turner, Founder & CEO of Trovata. “The tools of the job have to be newer, smarter, faster, easy to use, and easy to set up. We expect that Trovata and Morgan Money will be the go-to modern toolbox to manage cash and investments.”
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